Monday, April 27, 2020
Toneisha Colson Essays (427 words) - Parenting, Human Development
Toneisha Colson Ann Becker Chapter 3 Democratic parenting is the same as positive parenting. The best way to describe democratic parenting is to first look at authoritative parenting. In an authoritarian home, parents rule and children are expected to obey. Parents have "the power" and assume that children will obey and do as they are told. Many parents today were raised in this type of family where dad was the boss, mom followed behind, and the children towed the line. Society supported and reinforced this hierarchical system in both the school environment and the workplace environment. But, today things have dramatically changed. The workplace uses a 'team' approach, and on the home front, parents do much the same. Children are treated as equals, which is the basis of the democratic system. This does not mean that children should be allowed to do what adults do. It does mean that children have the right to be treated equally with respect and dignity. In a democratic system children are given choices and held respon sible for those choices, even when the consequences are unpleasant. In a democratic home parents put consequences, that are both acceptable and appropriate, into place, but never ones that cause harm or pain. However, many parents do not know how to parent effectively using a democratic system. Many have not taken the time to learn and implement the necessary skills and boundaries of a democratic parenting system. To use this system effectively requires a good deal of skill, knowledge and support. Unfortunately many parents are using half measures, in the belief that they're being democratic. For democratic parenting to be effective it must be used properly, consistently and with solid follow-up. When parents fail to use this system effectively, either because of a lack of knowledge or unawareness, they often end up with kids that are spoiled, manipulative and undisciplined. We sometimes act as if parenting is not very difficult or important because in our society every other job that is difficult and important gets some kind of training. Yet, when it comes to parenting, truly the most difficult of jobs, few people take the time or spend the money to learn how to parent effectivel y for today's world. Parents need to listen to their intuition. If it feels like things aren't working, it may be that they're not, and it's time to upgrade their skills and knowledge. To me this applies all parenting in the past as well as the present. Sometimes children need to make a choice,
Monday, April 13, 2020
Finding SDSU Scholarship Essay Samples
Finding SDSU Scholarship Essay SamplesSDSU scholarship essay samples are the best way to start writing a great essay. You can find many good essays on the internet and online you will be able to find some really good tips, ideas and tips for essay writing that will help you with your write.Once you have finished the essay, you should keep it safe in a safe place and then when you are ready to send it off for grading you can get hold of the essay and edit it. All you need to do is get hold of a notepad and pencil and begin to write and then when you feel you have got an effective piece, you will want to carefully scan through the essay and then print it out. Once you have got all the information at hand you can print it out and have a look at it.If you really want to have some useful tips and ideas to help you write a great essay, there are some different essays and essay samples that you can choose from and once you have chosen the one that you feel is the best for you, then you shou ld start by reading through it carefully. You should try and stick to the point that the essay has been written about, or at least try and summarise the points that you believe the reader will be looking for and then you should check it carefully. All of this will ensure that your essay is always as good as possible.There are many SDSU scholarship essay samples that you can get hold of and the best thing about them is that they will give you great tips and suggestions that you can use and apply to your own essay, and if you are lucky you might even find some ideas that you can use to help write other important documents. The essay samples will include some really useful hints and tips that will help you to write a really effective essay and once you have the opportunity to get hold of some good tips and advice, then you will know exactly what to do with your own essay.Once you have finished the essay and it is now ready for grading, then you will find that there are a number of good essay writers that you can choose from and most of them will be able to give you some great advice that will help you get the most out of your essay. Some of the tips and suggestions that they will offer you include; giving the essay its proper introduction and then continuing on through to the body of the essay.They will also suggest ways in which you can create and add more depth to your essay, and they will also go into more detail on the different topics that you will need to consider in your essay. So if you do end up choosing some SDSU scholarship essay samples that you like, then you will know exactly what to do and what to avoid in order to make sure that your essay is as good as possible.Writing a successful essay is no easy task, but with some good advice and support that you can get from SDSU scholarship essay samples, you will know exactly what to do and what not to do and you will know exactly how to craft your essay and help it to shine. Once you have a good idea of h ow to do this, then you will never have to worry about your essay ever again.
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