Saturday, August 31, 2019

Basic Problems of Philosophy

â€Å"Aristotle: He argued for the existence of a divine being, described as the Prime Mover, who is responsible for the unity and purposefulness of nature. God is perfect and therefore the aspiration of all things in the world, because all things desire to share perfection. Other movers exist as well—the intelligent movers of the planets and stars (Aristotle suggested that the number of these is either 55 or 47).The Prime Mover, or God, described by Aristotle is not very suitable for religious purposes, as many later philosophers and theologians have observed.Aristotle limited his â€Å"theology,† however, to what he believed science requires and can establish. † Source: Brumbaugh, Robert S. â€Å"Aristotle. † Microsoft Encarta 206 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005 This falls under problem number one,† What is the ultimate nature of reality, existence or being. † It is not the perfect one for me. Because it just recognizes that t here is a God, who is the Prime Mover. Everything starts from him, the ultimate nature of reality, and existence. But it does not answer the relationship of God with Man or to each and everyone of us.Other Movers are also recognized, and it confuses the proposal, Aristotle mentions the existence of a divine being, and also other intelligent movers. It did not answer how they relate to each other. Just a mere mentioning of their existence, may not be enough. Somehow, there must be a way in determining their existence and most especially to Man. It must be considered that the existence of Man has never reached a Harmonious level. But instead we are always in trouble, such as anger and hunger are everywhere. Code† 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 2Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 2. According to Socrates, the principal speaker in The Republic, an ideal state would consist of three classes. The Philosopher-Kings would exercise political power i n the service of justice and wisdom; the soldiers would protect the state as a means of acquiring honor; and the civilian population would provide for the material needs of society. A large part of The Republic is devoted to a detailed presentation of the rigorous intellectual training of future rulers.This section also contains a fundamental analysis of metaphysical and scientific thought. The government of the state acts to enforce the virtue, and consequently the true happiness, of the individual citizen, and an ordrerly and productive public life is the result. Criticizing the doctrines of atheism and materialism, Plato reaffirmed his idealistic position and asserted this belief in the moral government of the universe and the immortality of the soul. Source: â€Å"Republic (literature). † Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005.This is about problem number 2 and three. (3) Ethics, answering such questions as: How do we determine the basis fo r making moral judgments such as, this action was right and that wrong? (4) Logic, answers questions as: How should society be organized? What should be the relationship between the Government and the People? This is almost what we have today, a democratic government. Generally good, as long as the Philosopher-kings will be righteous ( I think this is equivalent to our president and the congress now. ) Because they are in power, or the one who rule. But when they becomeCode: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 3 Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 cruel and corrupt, the government or the Republic will be in trouble. Probably this is Plato’s greatest contribution to mankind. This is an exact example of how society should be organized and managed. The relationship between the government and the people, may not be perfect but at least law and order is establish. Because a decent life is offered to ordinary folks and they have a good chance of contr ibuting their talents for a better government and society.Ethics and Logic goes together, in such a way as how the government will deal with its people, there must be moral values and judgment such as to get the support, respect and most of all the trust of the people. That will be a healthy relationship. 3 â€Å"Anselm:Scholastic thought was less interested in discovering new facts and principles than in demonstrating the truth of existing beliefs. Its method was therefore dialectical (based upon logical argument), and its intense concern with the logic of argument led to important developments in logic as well as theology.The Scholastic philosopher Saint Anselm of Canterbury adopted Augustine’s view of the complimentary relation between faith and reason and combined Platonism with Christian theology. Supporting the Platonic theory of ideas, Anselm argued in favor of the separate existence of universals, or common properties of things—the properties Avicenna had call ed essences. He thus established the position of logical realism—an assertion that universals and other ideas exist independently of our awareness of them—on one of the most vigorously disputed issues of medieval philosophy. † Source: Carpenter, Andrew N.â€Å"Western Philosophy. † Code: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 4 Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation 2005 (2) Epistemology, answering such questions as what does it means to know something? What is the difference between knowledge, belief, faith, absolute certainty and so on? I believe in the separate existence of universals or common properties of things. —an assertion that universals and other ideas exist independently of our awareness of them.It is my personal view that knowledge is another thing while faith must be different. Since when talking about knowledge, it starts from the mind and to be implemented physically, so its nature will be more materialistic. While Faith is another thing in a sense that it may not be necessarily materialistic, example is in the belief of God, whom we cannot see nor touch but just the strong belief and faith goes along with it. For me, when considering absolute certainly, it has something to do with our materialism and our materialistic society. Such as, when you throw a stone, it is certain that will go back to the ground, at a certain distance.While faith is more of the mind, never physical. The relationship with belief is that it may not be necessarily logical or scientific but you still believe on it. Faith is beyond reason. 4. â€Å"Aquinas: The subject treated in Aristotle’s Metaphysics (substance, causality, the nature of being, and the existence of God fixed the content of metaphysical speculations for centuries. Among the medieval Scholastic philosophers, metaphysics was known as the â€Å"transphysical science† on the assumption that, by means of it, the scholar Code: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 5Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 philosophically could make the transition from the physical and theologians St. Thomas Aquinas declared that the cognition of God, through a casual study of finite sensible beings, was the aim of metaphysics. With the rise of scientific study in the 16th century the reconciliation of science and faith in God became an increasingly important problem. † Source: â€Å"Metaphysics† Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005 (2) Epistemology, answering such questions as what does it means to know something?What is the difference between knowledge, belief, faith, absolute certainty and so on? Though, I don’t consider this proposal as the exact points of Aquinas. Because when talking about God, Truly it is not only faith but absolutely about the exact opposite of materialism. So, faith is not enough either, but you shall live with it. And that must be impossible in our materialistic society now. One example is, can you live without money? I stand that God and science are the exact opposite. My proposal is, â€Å"why look for food when the Omnipotent Being already provided us everything.† And when you say, so many are hungry†¦. blame Yourself, Man or Us. 5. Discartes: The most famous exponent of dualism was the French philosopher Rene’ Descartes, who maintained that body and mind are radically different entities and that they are only fundamental substances in the universe. Dualism, however, does now show how there basic entities are connected. Source: â€Å"Metaphysics. † Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005. Code: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 6Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 (1) What is the ultimate nature of reality, existence, or being. (2) Epistemology, answer ing such questions as what does it mean to know something? What is the difference between knowledge, belief, faith absolute certainty and so on? Both of these problems may not be the exact points of Dualism. Since the body, or the physical composition of man is like any material objects. While in the mind, where knowledge and faith resides, it is not material, I mean you cannot see or touch them. And I believe that is the â€Å"True Knowledge†.Descartes got it right, that body and mind are radically different entities. I believe that it is not only ideas or anything else which comes out of the mind, because it is a lot more. Such as no matter how scientist work for years to duplicate the human brain, I believe it is a useless endeavor because success is impossible. Because God is deep within us, and nobody could copy our Creator, the Omnipotent Being. You may create duplicates, but it is only physically and never the inside, because the Truth is in there†¦and it is not m ade of anything material. 6. Lucretius:He is an exponent of Classical Materialism.There are other more recent schools of metaphysics, which also versions of materialism. Although classical materialism seems at times naive in its scientific outlook, it is not altogether out of date. Classical Materialism is the standard variety of atomic materialism- the view that all that exist if composed of matter, matter is constituted by combination or juxtapositions of ultimate particles, which are called atoms and are solid, indestructible, ever-lasting, and Code: 31147726 Basic Problems of Philosophy Page 7Type of order: Research paper Deadline: March 18, 2007 5:35 indivisible; and-for Lucretius-all there is in the universe is just matter, and empty space or vacuity. (1) What is the ultimate nature of reality, existence, or being? If Lucretius call it as Classical Materialism, I believe that is the same thing with the nature of reality, existence, or being. Since the Truth must be indestructi ble, ever-lasting and indivisible. But I wonder why he called it as Classical Materialism, since it might be the exact opposite of materialism. Because a wooden chair.Will have the atoms of a wood and no longer a chair, same thing also with a chair made of steel. And the human body after all is composed of its smallest parts the atoms of water? And who put them together to become what we are now, a human being. My answer is the Energy coming from a divine source, the Creator. Who knows absolutely and exactly who we are, male or female. Is it the same energy that binds this smallest particles together to form a certain entity, is the atoms we know today the smallest or is there something else much smaller than the atoms.Such that, it is not these atoms which matter but the energy that will combine or bind them together to create objects or materials. What is that energy all about. Where it came from, I believe it is an energy coming from an Omnipotent Being Lucretius only mentioned a bout the atoms, but matter cannot be formed with a single atom, it must be more than one and bound together at a certain energy. And what kind of energy is it, is it inherent between the atoms combining together. But I believe that energy comes from an Omnipotent Being and not from anything else.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Harry Frankfurt

Harry Frankfurt defined the principle of alternate possibilities ( PAP ): A person is morally responsible for his actions if he couldn t have done otherwise . And he argued as follows 1) ( PAP) is true 2) determinism : every event must be the way it is and we couldn t do otherwise is also true Conclusion: ( PAP ) and determinism are not compatible This argument is a valid argument but it is not a sound one because the author doesnot agree with the conclusion of the argument and since it is a valid argument so he decides that one of the premises is false and doubts the first premise . By giving us an example he will try to convince us that the (PAP) is false . He states that Jones does action (A) and that Black is some kind of manipulator that has the ability to manipulate Jones so he can inhibit Jones from performing actions other than (A) without Jones knowing that black exists . Black will manipulate only if Jones is going to decide to do otherwise , so we conclude that Jones couldn t have done otherwise because of Black , nevertheless Jones is morally responsible for action (A) because he did all on his own without the interference of Black. This example contradicts with definition of (PAP) . because jones is morally responsible even though he couldn t have done otherwise. Moreover I think it is wise to add an argument here : 1)Jones is morally responsible for his action (A) )Jones couldn t have done otherwise ( in other words his actions are determined ) We conclude that moral responsibility is compatible with determinisim . One thing that I noticed from the example is that black s duty or job is to block or inhibit jones choices of actions other than action (A) . therefore the author admits that there are other choices of actions ( possible alternatives ) than action (A) , so possible alternatives is true but we have to find the right definition and appli cation for it . Words : 356?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Case Report of Secondary Narcolepsy

Case Report of Secondary Narcolepsy Title of the article: â€Å" Case Report of Secondary Narcolepsy presenting as self-inflicted genital injury † Abstract: Primary Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder with classical presentation showing tetrad of excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and Hypnogogic hallucinations. Some conditions that result in secondary narcolepsy include traumatic brain injury, tumors, and stroke. [1] A rare case of secondary narcolepsy was seen in a patient with self-inflicted genital injury. A 30 year old male was referred to Psychiatry from Surgery for a self-inflicted incised wound on hydrocoele. Since last 1 year, he had multiple episodes of — 1. Sudden falls while working 2. Sleep during daytime often at unusual places 3. Periods of unresponsiveness during which he was aware but unable to move. During hospital stay, daytime somnolence, sleep paralysis and cataplexy were noted several times, but hallucinations were not consistently reported. Based on DSM-IV-TR N arcolepsy was diagnosed. Possible reasons for genital injury were 1. To remove fluid from swelling 2. Under sleep paralysis 3. Under Hypnogogic hallucinations. Patient’s EEG was normal. MRI brain showed Gliosis at cervico-medullary junction.MRI spine was advised to examine the cervico-vertebral junction but patient was lost to follow-up. But from history and investigations, it was concluded that he had secondary narcolepsy due to traumatic brain injury. Narcolepsy typically begins in the 2nd and 3rd decades of life and negatively impacts the quality of life of affected patients. Diagnosis relies on patient history and objective data gathered from polysomnography and multiple sleep latency testing. Treatment focuses on symptom relief through medication, education, and behavioural modification. Key-words: Cataplexy; Narcolepsy; Polysomnography; Self inflicted injury, Key Messages [D1] :Secondary narcolepsy is rare and sometimes can be missed to diagnose. Such rare presentation of secondary narcolepsy helps in diagnosing other cases of self-inflicting injuries. Introduction: [D2] Narcolepsy is neither a type of epilepsy nor a psychogenic disturbance. It is an abnormality of the sleep mechanisms specifically, REM-inhibiting mechanisms and it has been studied in dogs, sheep, and humans. Narcolepsy can occur at any age, but it most frequently begins in adolescence or young adulthood, generally before the age of 30. The disorder either progresses slowly or reaches a plateau that is maintained throughout life. [2]. The prevalence of narcolepsy varies across countries and with different ethnic groups, and so the exact prevalence is not known. Prevalence estimates have been reported to be between 168 and 799 per 100,000 in most studies, although Japanese studies have indicated a higher prevalence of 1600 per 100,000. [2,3]. There are no genetic tests currently available for clinical use to make a positive diagnosis of narcolepsy. Genetic testing may correlat e best to narcolepsy when there is already clear cataplexy. [4]. Supporting the evidence for an environmental influence is the fact that the disease is not apparent at birth, but instead commonly has its onset during the second decade of life. Additionally, there are apparent precipitating factors such as head trauma, infection, and changes in sleep-waking habits that have been identified in some cases. [6] Chronic, daytime sleepiness is a major, disabling symptom for many patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), but thus far, its aetiology is not well understood. Extensive loss of the hypothalamic neurons that produce the wake-promoting neuropeptide hypocretin (orexin) causes the severe sleepiness of narcolepsy, and partial loss of these cells may contribute to the sleepiness of Parkinson disease and other disorders. One study has found that the number of hypocretin neurons is significantly reduced in patients with severe TBI. This observation highlights the often overlooked hy pothalamic injury in TBI and provides new insights into the causes of chronic sleepiness in patients with TBI. [7] Amphetamine usage has been associated with addiction, psychosis and self-injurious behaviour . There are report s on two patients who severely and repeatedly mutilated their own genitalia while intoxicated on amphetamines and consider possible diagnostic aetiologies. [8] Genital mutilation is common in males compared to females. [9] But narcolepsy presenting as self inflicted genital injury has not been reported so far. That is why this is a rare case .

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Duration estimation a new approach in Critical chain scheduling Essay

Duration estimation a new approach in Critical chain scheduling - Essay Example estimation of activities through estimating the level of uncertainty buried in each activity duration and after that taking out of safety periods related to this uncertainty. The validity or soundness of this proposed method, according to the authors, is measured by carrying out a computer simulation on a number of the test problems. Simulation analysis proves that the suggested technique yields schedules that are more dependable than the schedules established by first CCPM technique of duration estimation. Some of the crucial key terms discussed in this article include critical chain, theory of constraint, duration estimation and project scheduling. Critical chain, according to Rezaie, Manouchehrabadi & Shirkouhi (481) is the longest series of events through the project network following the resource contentions. Critical chain, in other words, is a group of tasks through which the project general duration is decided. The authors also discuss how time/duration estimation is a crucia l matter of the critical chain. The authors discuss how Goldratt dedicated a substantial part of this research trying to explain the cause why safety periods cannot safeguard the projects intended dates against the doubt embedded in projects. Rezaie, Manouchehrabadi & Shirkouhi (482) give numerical facts, which were not broadly discussed in Goldratt’s original work. They argue that Goldratt did not exactly specify any numerical distribution function, but assumed a right distorted distribution for every activity duration whereby there was a significant distance between 50% quantile and 90% quantile. They further talked about the propensity among individuals involved in time estimation to overrate the required time so that adequate safety period is put into the measures. The third section of the article, Investigating of Time Estimation Methods, analyzes the method proposed by the authors. The authors go deep into the explanation giving both quantitative and qualitative facts.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Crisis communications- Honda Recall Research Paper

Crisis communications- Honda Recall - Research Paper Example It is vital to note that business apologizes differ from personal apologies because business apologizes are given in order to retain clients, customers and business relationships (Meiners, Ringleb & Edwards, 2008). A business apology is given to customers regardless of whether the error or mistake was preventable or not. In this case, the business apology will be given in writing through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and verbally, through YouTube and television advertisements. Honda should follow strategic steps in providing its apologies to its customers. The first step is monitoring the presence of Honda’s products in the market and social media platforms. The second step is the engagement of customers and product reviewers immediately. In the apology, Honda should be honest and assume responsibility for its shortcomings. Most importantly, Honda should learn from its mistakes (Meiners, Ringleb & Edwards, 2008). The first thing that Honda should do before offering its apologies is to study or monitor its presence in the market and social platforms. In order to respond to the issue appropriately, Honda should be aware of the reviews provided by its clients and industry analysts. Once the firm has studied its presence and customer perceptions, it should apologize appropriately, based on the issues raised by the customers. This takes the firm to the next step, which is engagement with customers. Engaging with customers will enable Honda to obtain con structive feedback. Social media provides ideal platforms for offering apologizes. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have combined audiences of approximately 1 billion people on a daily basis (Meiners, Ringleb & Edwards, 2008). The apology message should focus on customer satisfaction and the firm’s shortcoming. Honda should know the right time to offer its apology. The

Monday, August 26, 2019

M Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

M - Personal Statement Example That is why a major in communications would be such a valuable asset to me. I know that this is a field that is burgeoning, and that it will be in great demand in years to come. This degree will help me achieve my career goals as a master communicator, both in person and via social media. I really enjoy interacting with people and the degree in communications is going to help me perfect those communication skills even more. My participation in various activities has led me to believe that I’m very interested in other peoples’ stories and their thoughts. What they say matters. Perhaps I could become involved in TV production, become a social media expert, or other types of careers where a communication degree is needed. From what I understand, my interest in communications had begun to develop when I was a very young person. I always had an interest in seeing what other people would say, do, and how they would react to certain information. I think it is this involvement in other peoples’ lives that brought me to the place where I was intrigued by how people interact themselves. This is the essence and the heart of what the communications degree at University of California means to me, and why it is so crucial that I get accepted to this program. I intend to utilize my degree in communications to better peoples’ lives through: my interest in the field; a continued participation in activities that would further my knowledge in the field of communications; and a continued involvement in communications that will shape me into the person I will be in the future. This degree in communications will make me a successful individual in life. Personal Statement #2 Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are? The most important contribution I ever made was helping my father; it m ade me proud of who I am, and I believe it demonstrates my strength of character as it relates to the person those actions have made me into who I am today. Every winter when I went back to my country, I have helped my father decide what to do in the future—in terms of making executive decisions about the family business. For example, one time my father was making the decision to open a store. After he opened a supermarket, for example, the next winter I would go back home and help him oversee the business. Whenever there was a new business to open in subsequent winters, I would return to my native country. I would help my Dad choose which location we should use for the new store. We would negotiate rental fees, and resolve issues that were pertinent to the business. Even those are relatively small elements of opening a new store, every decision contributes to the overall success of the business. This makes me extremely proud of my heritage, knowing that I am helping my fathe r to help our own people by giving them choices and opportunities within their communities to make purchases that will help their own families in some way. Being proud of oneself, after all, is not just about what others can do for you. Family pride and community heritage is about what you can do for other people. So, I realize, that in helping my father, I am not only helping himself, but also my family, our community, and last but

Frederick Douglass ( summarize) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Frederick Douglass ( summarize) - Assignment Example bitter rivalry between the north and the south secured rights and privileges of negroes and now that the war is over propaganda threatens the rights and privileges by creating and conveying a negative image of the negroes and creating a banner that a problem, the negro problem, exist in the south. The true problem is however, the nation’s inability to defend the constitution because while Negroes from the South obey the law, whites from the North do not. They, instead, obstruct justice. The problem is the need for the government, upon recognizing citizenry of the Negroes, to protect, honor, and defend rights of the Negroes and elites from the South are the cause, people who never supported the good cause of the achieved stability and fear of Negro supremacy drives them. The supremacy can however never occur because of the upper hand that whites have in the South and even if it occurred, the constitution would regulate it. the real problem is however political and is the fear o f the Republican force from the North and people such as Montgomery have betrayed their people to suppress freedom that has been achieved through state legislation. The author notes that the struggle against the oppression may be difficult but hopes that the government will ensure justice and that the Negroes will succeed in the struggle for their rights (Douglass 1-5). Douglass, Frederick. â€Å"The race problem: Great speech of Frederick Douglass.† National Human Rights Center. October 21, 1890. Web. April 15, 2015.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critically examine the problem of corruption in the practice of Essay

Critically examine the problem of corruption in the practice of mediation and arbitration of international disputes - Essay Example onsequences for â€Å"stakeholders and society more broadly†.4While corruption is most often associated with bribery, corruption can occur by other means such as fraud, procurement of a specific outcome, conflicts of interests, improper enrichment and other dishonest mechanisms.5 Most states acknowledge that it is possible for an arbitral award to be obtained by virtue of corruption. At international law, the limited grounds upon which an arbitral award can be reviewed include the â€Å"procurement of the award by corruption† or corruption on the part of an arbitrator or arbitrators.6 Since mediators do not make binding decisions and merely help the parties arrive at their own resolution, the problems of corruption among mediators and parties in international disputes are not as problematic as corruption in binding arbitration.7 In either case, arbitrators and mediators are at risk of corruption charges in instances where the parties are denied equal treatment.8 Safegua rding against corruption in international mediation and arbitration is particularly important because it provides an alternative dispute resolution for parties suspicious of corruption among local judiciaries.9 For the most part, any business sector which might be entrusted with power is typically subjected to a code of conduct which is designed to engender trust in those sectors and thereby reduce perceptions of corruption. Some such codes are the European Code of Conduct for Mediators and the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes. These codes define what amounts to tolerable standards of conduct, the role of the mediator/arbitrator and their duties and responsibilities.10 Setting standards of conduct however, does not by itself ensure that international arbitration and mediation are free of corrupt practices. In this regard, international conventions have established laws that indirectly identify corrupt practices and provide for enforcement techniques for corrupti on. For instance by virtue of Articles 34 and 36 of the UNCITRAL Model Law 1985 an arbitral award is subject to challenge and may not be enforced if the award is inconsistent with public policy.11 Article V(2) of the New York Convention 1958 makes a vastly similar provision.12 An award which is procured by or given under the auspices of corruption is typically perceived as inconsistent with public policy.13 As early as 1963 the ICC set a standard of conduct for dealing with cases in which corruption was obvious. The case was ICC Case No. 1110 in which arbitrator Lagergren did not determine the merits of a case when he found that there had been corruption. The case related to a contract in which an English company had agreed with an Argentine entity acting as intermediary for the acquisition of a utilities’ contract in Argentina. The agreement called for the Argentine entity to receive a commission of 10 per cent of the contract’s value. When the English company did not make good on the agreement, Lagergren ruled that he did not have jurisdiction since: Parties who ally themselves in an enterprise of the present nature must realize that they have forfeited any right to ask for assistance of the machinery of justice (national courts or arbitral tribunals) in settling their disputes.14 Developments since ICC Case No. 1110 indicate that arbitrators would rule on the merits of

Saturday, August 24, 2019


BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL SPEAKING - PowerPoint Presentation Example The choice that you make about time is what can lead to a wasted job or even lack of determination and drive in our lives. Imagine that you were given a certain sum of money every morning, say $86,400. You are requires to spend this money each day, and not save it for the future. How would you spend it? This is exactly what goes on with our most valuable resource every single day of our lives. Each day we get to spend 86,400 seconds. We can’t save it, nor can we invest it in the future. A time management expert at a conference was to give a speech about her success in business and how time management plays a huge part of business success. She kept the crowd involved they seemed to love her. She was providing tips and chipping in success stories. Suddenly, she realized she had been talking for two hours! She stopped to make an apology to the cagey group and explicated that she had left her watch at home. A voice came from the audience, â€Å"There is a calendar next to you†. (LaMarco, 2010) You can now move on to explaining what time management is, as mentioned in the page above. In addition, include the common symptoms of bad time-management as well as good time-management. You might also include an incident during which time-management proved to be a crucial tool for your success. Next to engage the audience, you can do a two-way interaction, asking them how many of them think they are bad at time-management. In addition, you can also ask them to share stories about time-management if you have extra time. 1. The audience might not be interested in lengthy views about time-management. A lot of theory will bore them out of their head. You need to include anecdotes and jokes throughout the presentation to keep them hooked onto your every word. Moreover, engaging them in the presentation will be beneficial as one-sided communication usually results in less concentration on the part of the audience. 2. Your own

Friday, August 23, 2019

Social media has shown to be more about sociology and psychology than Personal Statement

Social media has shown to be more about sociology and psychology than technology - Personal Statement Example In social media, human beings tend to influence one another; this largely constitutes aspects of sociology and psychology. For instance, Twitter and Facebook are examples of social media, which employ sociological and psychological aspects. People engage in chats and following each other on twitter since everyone wants at par with others. This influence one each other’s behavior can be regarded as more sociological and psychological than technological (Al-Deen and Hendricks 30-50). Interactions have made use of social media a viable option as compared to the use of technology itself. The relationships that people get in through social media influence their behavior patterns than the technology they rely on to get in such relationships. Both sociology and psychology play an essential role in social media than technology. They provide the means through which technology will be conveyed across all divides. Although technology can undergo changes to take various forms, the psychological and sociological aspects constitute social media. Many aspects of social media are more sociological and psychological than technological; this is because social media entails the harnessing of technology through social interactions between people. Thus, it can be concluded the use of sociological and psychological aspects of interactions and behavior outweighs the technological aspects of social media (Al-Deen and Hendricks

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Importance of Deductive Reasoning Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Deductive Reasoning Essay We make decisions every day that impact our lives. Some individuals, just do not realize how much. Whether we realize it or not, everything we do and say, is a result of a decision we have made. There is no easy way to change the fact that we make decision, however we can change how we approach the decision, resulting in better outcomes from making better choices. If an individual knew what the results of doing something will end up being, then, they can decide if that is the best course of action or decision that they want to make. If an individual knows all of their options and the outcomes of those choice they can deduce from the best choice. When making a decision, such as buying a car, you need to know all of your options and what responsibility’s they will include, how high is the interest rate? What will your payments and insurance be? Do you want to finance the car or lease it? These are all just some of things that need to be thought about when you are looking to buy. By knowing everything before you decide to purchase something you will not be caught off guard when you find out how high or how much the payments are. Also if you could really afford the car and if you had been better off not purchasing it. It is so important to know and understand what is known prior to making a decision because it could and most of the time will affect others and yourself. The process of deductive reasoning helps in the understanding of an argument because it starts with a general statement and then attains at a specific conclusion. According to Moore, B.M. Parker, R. (2012) â€Å"Its main purpose is not to make you either more persuasive or a better contestant against others, but to improve your ability to come to conclusions that are correct and make decisions that are wise†. Deductive reasoning is like, thinking of as your guideline, for using the premise to the end of your conclusion. For example all red haired women are vegetarians. Julia Roberts is a rad haired women. Therefore Julia Roberts is a vegetarian. Deductive reasoning helps aid in understanding an argument by â€Å"an argument is the attempt to support a claim by providing reasons for accepting it† (Moore, B.M. Parker, R. 2012). By avoiding certain kinds of problems by defining the key terms in a claim can help with the aiding in a deductive argument. Having all the facts and information can help make better life choices. In conclusion thinking critical and having deductive reasoning can making your life a little less stressful and you a happier person. Not to mention others, if you are a boss and you think about the cause and effect actions that you have on them, it can save you stress from losing a valuable employee and money. There is that saying think before you act.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reaction to Transcendentalism Essay Example for Free

Reaction to Transcendentalism Essay After reading the Transcendentalist works of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, I was surprised at my reaction to them. From what I had originally heard, the Transcendentalist works were boring essays. However, after reading them, I discovered that I can relate to many things that Emerson and Thoreau discuss in their papers. Though I liked Emerson more than I liked Thoreau, both of them impressed me with their ability to take such a strong stand on issues that most people can identify with. One Transcendentalist piece that we read was Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This excerpt describes Emersons views on nature and how it affects man. He says that in nature, man becomes like a child and is able to enjoy a perfect exhilaration. When he experiences the calm and peacefulness of nature, Emerson feels as though he has returned to reason and faith and has found his true self. He then goes on to describe how he becomes a transparent eyeball, seeing all but not being seen himself; it is as if he is invisible. After reading this, I was a little confused by his language and strange metaphors. But then I realized that Emerson is right. When we take a hike, or go for a walk, we are experiencing nature the way are meant to experience it. We can go back to our roots and find the perfect way to fit in with our surroundings, to harmonize with the world around us. This excerpt made me think of the peace and calm of a perfectly harmonized world. Another piece we read was Self-Reliance, also by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I also enjoyed reading this piece because it discusses a humans urge to be himself, even when society and civilization try to stop us. He says that without trying no one ever knows what he is truly capable of. If we let the influence of others affect us, we can never really experience our lives the way we were created to. We are also sometimes afraid to express our whole selves, and we are ashamed of that divine idea with each of us represents. I can relate to this quote directly, because I am sometimes ashamed of things in my life that I should be proud of. Emerson brings up conformity and societys constant pressure to fit the mold, but then he says that if we want to be true men (or women), we must be nonconformists. We cannot allow someone to tell us how to act, and we cannot be afraid to be misunderstood, for many people who are famous today were misunderstood during their lives. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this excerpt, because it touched on topics that I seem to experience in my own life and let me know that others have the same problems finding strength in themselves as I do. The next piece to discuss is Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau. In this essay, Thoreau lashes out against the American government in response to the Mexican War, which is being fought at that time. He discusses the corruption that the government can undergo, and how it is in fact hindering the people instead of helping them achieve their goals. He asks for a better government which will work for the benefit of the people rather than its own benefit. Thoreau also claims that, in the future, a government may not even be necessary at all, for the people are strong enough to run themselves. I agree with certain parts of Thoreaus ideas, but not all of them. My initial reaction to Civil Disobedience was one of anger for Thoreaus traitorous remarks. However, I have to admit that governments are at many times corrupt and work for themselves rather than for the people. The Transcendentalist authors wrote about their views on life, government, and human nature. After reading some of their work, I am amazed that I could actually relate to some of the ideas they discussed, especially Ralph Waldo Emersons. Although some of the language is hard to understand and the descriptions take some time to comprehend, the essays opened me up to a world where people wrote down exactly how they felt and wanted to use those feelings to make a difference. The Transcendentalists impressed me, which is something I never would have expected.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Britain And France Sought To Appease Hitler History Essay

Britain And France Sought To Appease Hitler History Essay Britain and France sought to appease Hitler not merely because it was militarily, economically and politically rational to do so, but because of personal judgments made by Chamberlain. The appeasement policy was a policy adopted by Britain and France and it was a major player in the outbreak of the war. Appeasement was first introduced in the mid 1930s by Stanley Baldwin who was then the British Prime Minister. But it was Neville Chamberlain who changed this appeasement policy when he ascended to power in 1937. The British government defines appeasement as the settlement of issues through negotiation and compromise. The British were very committed to this policy and they followed it confidently with the hope that it will reduce the chance of a world war. Neville Chamberlain was the greatest advocate and pursuer of the appeasement policy. He sought this appeasement so as to conciliate with Germany so as to have a stable Europe  [1]  . His personal view was that Germany would be satisfied with what he offered and especially the restoration of its former colonies. There are reasons that made Chamberlain seek appeasement with Hitler. One of them is that he represented the British citizens who did not want a war as they were in the process of healing the wounds from world war one. Also he did not want to go to war with Germany because the fall of Germany would mean the victory of the Soviet Union and the spread of communism therefore. Both he and the British citizens did not want this happening. So Chamberlain was trying as much as he can to avoid a war with Germany and at the same time the spread of communism. The appeasement policy that Chamberlain campaigned for was merely to avoid war. But it can also be seen as a strategy that he used in order to gain some time of rearming his forces. Though he really wanted to avoid the war, there came a time that he knew that war was in evitable. It was only after the failure of the negotiations between him and Hitler that he declared war against Germany  [2]  . Chamberlain felt that he had been betrayed by Hitler and that his appeasement policies were failing him. That is when he decided to take on a hard line approach towards the Nazi. Britain and France began rearming themselves. Italy on the other hard invaded Albania in April of 1939. It was Hitlers invasion of Poland that made these two countries declare war and Second World War officially began on 3rde September 1939. The Versailles Pact which had been signed after the First World War with an aim of ending all wars was greatly hated by the Germans  [3]  . It was signed by the four nations. It was argued that the treaty if it were to stand wound ruin the economic status of Germany. The Germans were not allowed to participate in the negotiations and the big three countries which participated each had its own personal goals. The Germans felt they were humiliated with the French feeling a sense of insecurity. The British championed for the reestablishment of world trade and they wanted nothing more while the Americans were to give up their principles and ideals of self determination especially on matters that concerned Germany. With all these issues in place, a disaster was inevitable  [4]  . This treaty is seen by some historians as the lead cause of the Second World War. The countries participating signed it for their own benefits without considering other countries in Europe. France wanted revenge to the Germans. Britain signed it just to prevent a war while America looked at the bigger picture of making more money  [5]  . Many Britons saw hope after the signing of this treaty. They wanted to avoid another war and that is why the British government had to give in to the demands presented by Hitler  [6]  . The British economy was fairing very badly hence Britain was not ready for a war. It was not even in a position to fund and rearm its military force due to the bad economic status. So Chamberlain tried as much as possible to avoid a war with Germany. The way Hitler was progressing meant that there was not even time for Britain to organize war strategies and prepare its force. So Chamberlain had to find a way of avoiding war and/or gaining sometime to rearm the military. The only solution present was appeasement  [7]  . Hitlers main aim was to make Germany as super power and a united Germany. He also wanted to enlarge the Germany territory through what he called recapturing of lost territories  [8]  . Hitler believed that German will become strong again only through the use of military aggression and war. He directly challenged the Versailles treaty in 1934 by rearming his armed forces and preparing them for war. This he did through production of tanks, submarines and aircrafts in huge masses. When it was announced that Hitler was rearming his military forces, which was in conflict with the Versailles pact, Britain and France protested to the League of Nations with the hope that it can be stopped  [9]  . The League of Nations did not try to stop these aggressive rearmament plans by Hitler on the grounds that there were no military or economic sanctions that had been imposed. It was due to the appeasement which made Hitler more confident. In short France and Britain simply turned a blind eye on this public breach of Versailles treaty. The Anglo-German Naval agreement that was signed in 1935 was the form of appeasement of the British towards this rearmament. This was because the agreement acknowledged that the rearmament of the German should be limited to only 35% of the fleet owned by the British. The agreement which was made by the British solely without the agreement from Italy and France became the first time that Britain agreed and approved a German contravention of the treaty of Versailles. It was after 1936 that Hitlers confidence of waging a war climaxed. This was because he had accumulated enough mercenaries of war and also had fully prepared his military force. He was confident that France and Britain as the appeasers would not stop him. He did this knowing very well that he was flouting the Versailles treaty. Rhineland was a strategic military position that could determine the fate of Germany. It was a point where by the French could use to invade and strike then heart of the Germanys power. It was due to this reality that Hitler ordered its reoccupation and remilitarization. This was an open breech of the treaty of Versailles but France and Britain just turned a blind eye. Hitlers aim of doing this was to stop any attack from France. The Rhineland could have been used by France to attack Germany. Remilitarizing it meant that Frances attack on Germany would be immediately repelled by the Germany forces. But they did not even try to stop him because he was taking back what belonged to Germany originally. At this stage, France could have stopped the reoccupation of the Rhine region but she did not want to start a war with Germany due to the lack of support from the British  [10]  . This made Hitler even more confident that he even saw an opportunity to challenge the balance of Europe po wer. The appeasers had no say about Rhineland because they argued it was a Germany territory and it could do whatever it wanted with it including having its military force there. Even though, Hitler had ordered his army to withdraw with immediate effect if the French intervened. But since there was no any intervention from the French he became more confident. Chamberlain thought that by allowing Hitler to take over the region that formally belonged to Germany, he would at least stop there. Hitler invaded Austria in 1938 and he declared Anschluss. In doing this he was breaking the Versailles treaty. The Australian chancellor at the time pleaded with France and Britain to help but these two countries did nothing about it. Chamberlain sent a protest note to Berlin  [11]  . he addressed the cabinet after Hitlers army crossed the border and he blamed both Germany and Austria. Even though, he condemned strongly the methods used by Hitler to annex Austria  [12]  . The annexation of Australia in 1938 was seen as a solution to the problems that faced the war oriented Germany economy. Hitler saw it as a perfect opportunity of fulfilling his goal of uniting all the Germans within the Reich. The Austrian Nazi staged demonstrations following orders given by Hitler and this proved a perfect opportunity for Hitler to send his troops to occupy Austria. The appeasers did nothing more after this than mere protests. The link up with Austria strengthened the friendship between Germany and Italy and it also gave Hitler a direct route to southeast Europe. Britain and France appeasements gave Hitler more confidence again to conquer Europe. After Austria, Czechoslovakia was next. Due to the success that he had achieved before, he demanded that Sudetenland be incorporated into the Third Reich because it was the most industrialized and wealthiest region in Czechoslovakia. And since the appeasers were afraid of a war break out, they pleaded on the president of Cz ech, Benes to come into as compromise with Hitler. It was with this regard that Chamberlain met Hitler in an attempt to resolve the issues. He met him three times on separate occasions. It was at Berchtesgaden, where Hitler promised Chamberlain that the case of Sudetenland would be self determined. But in Godesberg, Hitler changed his stand and he instead demanded the immediate incorporation of Sudetenland into the Third Reich. This demand made Chamberlain very angry and on his return to Britain he began organizing the army in prepared ness for war. Czechoslovakia president was forced to sign the agreement. Chamberlain and Hitler signed another agreement to imply that Britain and Germany would never be at war with each other again. The invasion of Czechoslovakia as a whole is what opened the eyes of the appeasers and they saw that no matter how much they tried to appease Hitler, war was inevitable. After giving in to all the demands made by Hitler and his continual invasion of Europ e, the appeasers realized that the appeasement policy was a failed policy. Hitler went on to invade Poland ignoring the ultimatum that he had been given by Britain and France to stop the invasion. It was after this that the appeasers declared war on Germany  [13]  . It was the 1938 crisis whereby the Sudeten Nazis started demonstrations and causing trouble led by Heinlein and under orders from Hitler which is seen as the true appeasement because Chamberlain intervened. Henlein demanded union of Sudeten with Germany. This was what led to the meeting at Berchtesgaden which was held on the 15th day of September. Here Hitler and chamberlain met and Hitler threatened to wage a war but he promised Chamberlain that it would be the last problem to be solved. Chamberlain saw Hitler as a man who can be trusted and in his intervention he persuaded the president of the republic of Czech to hand over Sudetenland to the Germans. In doing this, chamberlain thought that this was the last demand that Hitler would ask for. The Godesberg meeting between Hitler and Chamberlain took place in 22nd September 1938. Here Hitler asked for more demands which Chamberlain refused to offer. It was this mistrust which Chamberlain saw in Hitler that he knew that war was definitely inevitable. Chamberlain did not see Czechoslovakia as an issue that could result to war. He had simply assumed that it was just a conflict between two neighboring countries and that their conflict could not result to a world war The appeasement policy can be said to have climaxed in the Munich conference held in September 1938 where by Britain and France finally gave Hitler the go ahead to take over Sudetenland. This was a conference held in Germany to discuss the fate of Czechoslovakia amid the demands made by Hitler. The countries that were present were Italy, France, Germany and Britain Notably, Czechoslovakia was not present. The Munich pact was signed and this allowed Hitler to take over Sudetenland This was the center of Czechoslovakia as it was where most of its banks and border defenses were situated. By signing this pact, the European powers meant that Hitler was free to take over the whole of Czechoslovakia. By signing this pact, Chamberlain thought that Hitler would be finally satisfied and stop making more demands The agreement was proposed by Mussolini though it is claimed that it was prepared by the German foreign office. Czechoslovakia felt betrayed by France and Britain because it was informed to either accept the agreement or fight its more powerful neighbor all by its own  [14]  . The pact was signed on September 30th. When Chamberlain returned to London he gave his famous peace for our time speech. The crowd that had gathered in London was very delighted to hear that peace has finally been found and that there was no prospect for war  [15]  . The main reason why Britain and France embraced the appeasement policy was because they did not want the whole of Europe to be dragged into a world war by Hitler. It was a policy being persued due to the lessons learnt from world war one. Appeasement policy can be seen as a bad policy that was aimed at achieving world peace while sacrificing some countries like the way Britain and France did to try and appease Hitler at the mercies of Czechoslovakia. Germany was becoming stronger while the countries that were under its threat had no say. There was much tension in Europe as most countries feared the rate at which Germany was becoming strong.. The availability of more resources from the conquered countries strengthened the Germany economy and therefore it could sustain a war. Though the appeasement policy led to the strengthening of Germany, and the breakout of war, there are other reasons why France and Britain adopted this policy. These two countries were faced with economic problems in the 1930s. The British economy was severely weakened by the Wall Street crash of 1929 which made the government put the rearming of its armed forces on hold. Chamberlain wanted as much as possible to avoid war. That is why he adopted the appeasement policy. On the other hard, France was not in a position to maintain a war. It needed the support of Britain. It is because of this that it followed Britain in seeking the appeasement. This was because he wanted peace and stability that would allow economic growth for the whole of Europe. The Britons had a positive attitude towards the appeasement in the hope that it would reduce the chances of a war outbreak. Thus it can be concluded that appeasement was a British government policy that was fully supported by the citizens. Britain did not want a war between it and Germany. This was because it was threatened by communist USSR and not because it feared Germany. In case Germany fell, there was a possibility of spread of communism and Britain did not want this to happen. That is why it was in the favor of appeasement policy. Another fear that embraced Britain was forming a coalition with USSR which was its bitter rival. That is why Chamberlain desperately sought for appeasement at the mercies of other countries just to make sure that they did not join hands with USSR in a war against Germany  [16]  . The signing of the Munich agreement is viewed by many as a betrayal especially by Britain. What Chamberlain was doing is to buy some time to rearm British forces. Hitler on the other hand thought it as a weakness and a sign of fear of the appeasers  [17]  . This was a great mistake as all that the appeasers wanted was to preserve the world peace. This is what made him bold and gain confidence and a sen se of security. Therefore the blame for the outbreak of Second World War can only be largely placed on Hitler and not on the appeasers. This is with regard to Hitlers goals and determination to make Germany a super power and to do so; war was inevitable as he had severally claimed publicly. Hitler had managed to convince the appeasers that he had no any intentions of aggression through his peace propaganda. This had in a way fooled Britain and France who were not in favor of a war but wanted world peaceful coexistence. The appeasers continued to adopt the appeasement policy and this assured Hitler that they would do anything just to avoid a war. This made him think that he could continue to expand his demands and the appeasers would still continue to give in to them. It was this appeasement policy that gave Hitler a foundation and a base to increase the demands after every successful conquest that he achieved. Conclusion There are many opinions and views about the appeasement policy with some critics saying it was a betrayal and sacrifice of some nations for the benefit of others. Others say that it was Chamberlains strategy of buying time to rearm Britain. But from Chamberlains point of view, all that he wanted was to avoid another world war. It is not the appeasement policy that triggered the world war two but instead it was the greed of Hitler to enlarge the German territory and make Germany a superpower. The failure of the appeasement policy was because it was only Chamberlain who fulfilled his part of the bargain. He was convinced, on trying to appease Hitler that he (Hitler) was an honest trustworthy and honorable man which was a mistake and a misjudgment on his part.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Science as Savior and Destroyer in The Victorian Age Essay -- Literatu

Science as Savior and Destroyer in The Victorian Age      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"The Victorian age was first and foremost an age of transition.   The England that    had once been a feudal and agricultural society was transformed into an industrial    democracy† (Mitchell, xiv).   Just about every aspect of Victorian daily life, from    education to cooking to religion and politics, was changing.   â€Å"The Victorian age in English    Literature is known for its earnest obedience to a moralistic and highly structured social code of    conduct; however, in the last decade of the 19th century this order began to be questioned†Ã‚   (It is    my Duty).   In celebration of   industrial achievements the Great Exhibition of 1851 became a    showplace for the world to witness England’s superiority in modern technology.   The exhibit    was â€Å"seen by some six million visitors; in some periods the daily attendance was well over    100,000† (Mitchell, 8).   The new railway system brought the curious visitors from all over the    country.   The next few years would see the construction of the subway system, electric    lights, telegraph and telephone, steamships and electric trams.   Along with the increasing    reliance on technology, the medical field would also share their discoveries with the    world.   The fear of disease would prompt hygienic standards and germ theories.   The    wealthy’s obsession with health beliefs and practices are manifested in their fear of    disease.   This obsession with health is taken to the extreme in the form of Dr. John Harvey    Kellogg and his belief in â€Å"biological living, which included a meatless diet, a ... ... is my Pleasure.†Ã‚   19th Century Victorian Monstrosities.   Essay Two.   Ã‚ Mitchell, Sally.   Daily Life in Victorian England.   Westport, CT:   The Greenwood Press. 1996.   Reed, John R.   The Natural History of H. G. Wells.   Athens, Ohio:   Athens University Press.   1982 Stevenson, Robert Louis.   The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.   1886.   New York:   Dover Publications, Inc.   1991. Wells, H. G.   Experiment in Autobiography:   Discoveries and Conclusions of a Very Ordinary Brain (Since 1866).   1934.   Boston:   Little, Brown and Company.   1962. Wells, H. G.   The Island of Dr. Moreau.   1897.   New York:   Bantam Books, 1994. Wells, H. G.   The Time Machine.   1895.   New York:   Dover Publications, Inc.,   1995. Wilde, Oscar.   The Picture of Dorian Gray. 1890.   New York:   Dover Publications, Inc. 1993.   

Procrastination :: essays research papers

Procrastination Procrastination is a universal everyday phenomenon that can seem little more than clich‚, a small-talk joke or boast or complaint; we all do it, after all. Yet a newly reported survey of students at a large urban university in the U. S. is probably typical in that a majority (52%) of the students claimed a high or moderate need for assistance with regard to procrastination which is more than any other area of concern ( There are a great many causes to the addiction to this thing called procrastination. There are many underlying issues and causes of procrastination. Lack of relevance and interest are two of the most common causes. While perfectionism (having extremely high standards which are almost unreachable) is another. Evaluation anxiety, ambiguity, fear of failure and self-doubt, fear of success, inability to handle the task, lack of information needed to complete the task, environmental conditions, physical conditions, and anxiety over expectations that others have of you, are all very serious causes of procrastination. Poor time management is a great cause of procrastination. Procrastination means not managing time wisely. You may be uncertain of you priorities, goals and objectives. You may also be overwhelmed with the task. As a result, you keep putting off your academic assignments for a later date, or spending a great deal of time with your friends and social activities, or worrying about you upcoming examination, class project and papers rather than completing them. There are quite a few people that have difficulty concentrating. When you sit at your desk you find yourself daydreaming, staring into space, looking at pictures of your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc., instead of doing the task. Your environment is distracting and noisy. You keep running back and forth for equipment such as pencils, erasers, dictionary, etc.( Your desk is cluttered and unorganized and sometimes you sit or lay on your bed to study or do your assignments. You probably notice that all of the examples that you just read promote time wasting and frustration. Our behavioral patterns are another cause of procrastination. Getting started on an unpleasant of difficult task may seem impossible. Procrastination is likened to the physics concept of inertia - a mass at rest tends to stay at rest

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Artificial Nigger: Truths Behind Racism Essay -- essays research p

In O'Connor's "The Artificial Nigger" the essences of prejudice and degradation are captured to a great extent. Reality shows us with needless consistency people in a need to feel better about themselves only achieve it by being better than someone else. Therefore every opportunity at hand, including racism, is taken advantage as a form of gratification. Mr. Head, the grandfather, is an example of one of these people. He is in competition with seemingly everyone he encounters while in a day trip to the City. Racism is just one of the ways he utilizes to demean others while elevating his own self-image. O'Connor's depiction of a Southern, and close-minded person goes into the extreme depths of what constitutes as well as produces an imprudent racist. Mr. Head, a self-proclaimed missionary, plans on taking his grandson, Nelson, to Atlanta city. Intending to introduce Nelson to the focal point of his racist teachings. However, Mr. Head's subconscious motives are to have Nelson believe his grandfather's existence in his life is indispensable. He hopes Nelson dependency upon him increases. Doing so would not only make his own self feel superior but also satisfy his own dependency needs. He's content with the thought that once Nelson has had the opportunity in experiencing the city. He will "be content to stay at home for the rest of his life"(251). His only comforting thoughts, as he laid to sleep before the day of the trip, were not of turning Nelson into a racist however, of "thinking how the boy would at last find out that he was not as smart as he thought he was"(251). Degrading anyone, including his own grandson, is another way by which Mr. Head can feel satisfied with himself. He welcomes and anticipates the point at which Nelson questions his own intelligence. Towards the beginning of the story Mr. Head belittles Nelson rationalizing once arriving in the city "he will've been there twict"(250). Considering Atlanta was his place of birth Nelson believed it to be true. Logically Nelson made sense nevertheless, "Mr. Head had contradicted him" (250). Irony is first present here as Mr. Head continuously accuses Nelson of being ignorant, yet Mr. Head is the one displaying ignorance in every spoken.From the beginning of the story Mr. Head is seen as a character extremely selfish and only concerned with ..., now faced with a choice, I believe chooses to ignore his enlightenment. His character throughout the story displayed ignorant, adolescent, frightful behaviors. I find it hard to believe him altering his manner. He's acknowledged his dependency on Nelson and Nelson now is conforming to him. As they stood watching the train fade into the distance, he comments, "I'm glad I've went once, but I'll never go back again". (270) Nelson finally concedes to have experienced the city once, not twice as he adamantly claimed. For Mr. Head choosing to do nothing is a choice in itself."The Artificial Nigger" is a great story, which can be used to help better understand what sorts of underlining factors come into play when people have deep hatreds of distinct cultures. Not commonly can a racist attribute all his hate to the color of ones skin. There are almost always other issues, which can be linked back to low self worth. Such as if someone of a different race was promoted while another looked over. Those are such beginnings of racist thoughts and later actions. Works CitedO'Connor, Flannery. Complete Stories by Flannery O'Connor New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux 1979

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Kafka and Grimm

Kafka presents a very different story line themed to alienation than Tolstoy:   The Metamorphosis is not subtle in its allusion to how Gregor feels, nor is it sly in its presentation of how Gregor is treated.   Upon awakening one morning Gregor finds that he has been transformed into a monstrous vermin.   Despite this reality, Gregor does not preoccupy himself with his own change but focuses on the dreary weather outside; the rain, the wind.   He does not fully realize his situation in least and goes about his diurnal routines without worrying about his great transformation: â€Å"When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.He was lying on his back as hard as armor plate, and when he lifted his head a little, he saw his vaulted brown belly, sectioned by arch-shaped ribs, to whose dome the cover, about to slide off completely, could barely cling. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, were waving helplessly before his eyes.† (P. 3).   This description of change is extreme and yet, despite its severity or alternating course of life, Gregor does not recognize it as anything in particular.   Through this, the reader realizes the extent of Gregor’s alienation from himself, when such a physical difference is presented to him from his own body he chooses not to recognize it, and thus, the theme of alienation from self is made clear from the start of the novella.Through Gregor’s family the reader realizes a sense of extreme change.   Despite Gregor’s displaced emotion of his own body and geography, his family recognizes quite clearly the situation.   It is in this moment that Gregor’s previous alienation of him takes on a more physical and apparent form as seen when Gregor first steps or crawls out of his bedroom after his discourse of loathing his job, â€Å"And now he could see him, standing closest to the door, his hand pressed over his open mouth, slowly backing away, as if repulsed by an invisible, unrelenting force.His mother – in spite of the manager's presence she stood with her hair still unbraided from the night, sticking out in all directions – first looked at his father with her hands clasped, then took two steps towards Gregor, and sank down in the midst of her skirt spreading out around her, her face completely hidden on her breast. With a hostile expression his father clenched his fist, as if to drive Gregor back into his room, then looked uncertainly around the living room, shielded his eyes with his hands, and sobbed with heaves of his powerful chest.† (P. 15).   It is in this revealing narrative that the reader grasps how grotesque Gregor has become.   He has already been alienating himself from his family, and keeping to himself, and not being relatable and thus, his family truly cannot recognize him anymore, it merely took the physical repres entation of his alienation for this to occur.It is through Gregor’s family that the theme of alienation persists.   Gregor had been the provider of the family and with recognition, â€Å"Those had been wonderful times, and they had never returned, at least not with the same glory, although later on Gregor earned enough money to meet the expenses of the entire family and actually did so. They had just gotten used to it, the family as well as Gregor, the money was received with thanks and given with pleasure.† (P. 27).   Thus it would seem that Gregor’s alienation has erupted because he is displeased with his job, yet he keeps his job because that is his role in his family and with this in mind, it seems that Gregor does not want to be placed in that role any longer.The theme of alienation is seen in Kafka’s narrative, â€Å"Into a room in which Gregor ruled the bare walls all alone, no human being beside Grete was ever likely to set foot.† (P. 3 0).   So, with his family no longer seeing him as the provider the manifestation of harbored feelings rise in the form of a vermin and Gregor cannot hide the truth of his existence any longer from his family; his family rejects Gregor, and he dies.Thus, Gregor’s death is the ultimate alienation, and his rejection by his family is the tribute to such a theme,   â€Å"Gregor's serious wound, from which he suffered for over a month – the apple remained imbedded in his flesh as a visible souvenir since no one dared to remove it – seemed to have reminded even his father that Gregor was a member of the family, in spite of his present pathetic and repulsive shape, who could not be treated as an enemy; that on the contrary, it was the commandment of family duty to swallow their disgust and endure him, endure him and nothing more.† (P. 40).The concept of metamorphoses is not a foreign idea in literature as the Brother’s Grimm have used this technique in many instances.   The transformation side of a fairy tale is found in a plethora of tales including, The Frog King or Iron Henry, and to an extent, Little Red-Cap.   Each of these stories illustrates a stage of transformation either as a curse, or as a means to gain something.   In The Frog King or Iron Henry a prince is transformed into a frog in a tale of bewitchment.   The story differs on the concept between whether the princess kisses or throws the frog in order for the frog to transform back into a prince.The tale of this kind is different from Kafka’s due to the nature and the way in which the transformation changes the main character.   For Gregor, the metamorphoses relates to his family and other problems with life, while with the prince/frog the concept of the tale revolves around the change of the people around the prince/frog such as the princess and Henry, the servant.The transformation of the people around the prince/frog is well established with the snide behavior of the princess changing into a more civilized person, and the prince’s servant Henry who had bound his heart with gold bonds in order so that it would not break on the prince having been cursed into being a frog.   Thus, the fundamental difference between these two stories rests with the outside characters being changed in the Grimm’s tale and the physical change in Gregor only relating to him.In another Grimm tale Little Red-Cap a little girl who adores her grandmother goes to see her only to find a wolf in her place dressed in her grandmother’s clothing in order to deceive the little girl and to consume her.   Although the element of consumption is similar in Kafka’s story as in Gregor feeling consumed by the world he lives in and does not feel satisfaction in and thus is consumed by it, so does the wolf desire to consume the little girl.The story of transformation in Little Red-Cap involves changing an animal into a human and thus t he change regarded for these two stories revolves around a human changing into an animal (insect) and an animal changing into a human each for the purpose of consumption but in different regards.   Gregor changes into an insect in relation to an unfulfillment of life while the wolf changes into a human in order to be fulfilled.   For both stories their desires are not met as the wolf is only fulfilled with stones and then skinned and Gregor is not given a chance to find fulfillment as he was a wastrel in life having neither goal nor purpose and thus his ebb of desire lessens and lessens until he is killed.Work CitedKafka, F.   The Metamorphosis.   Crown.   2003.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Adam Smith: Of the Wages of Labour Essay

Adam Smith spoke about the existing relationship between wages and labor and compared it to how it is observed in other countries like North America, India and China. In this section of his book, he had described how things would have been like if laborers had managed and owned their produce. Smith had stated that in the original state of things, the finished product simply belongs to the laborer. Things would have gradually become cheaper since almost everyone with a backbone could rely on their own work produce. Even if the produce is made by a small number of laborers, the commodities produced would most likely be of equal standards compared to other laborers since it is not marked by profit for others but for oneself. In reality, the concept of ownership and private properties has long been the determinants of people’s places. Smith has said that in every business undertaking, every laborer depends upon a master or owner to obtain the necessary materials they need for work and for their survival needs. The master shares in the produce of a laborer through profit, which is the value that is placed for the work produced. Whatever contract the laborer and master agrees upon the end result determines the wage received by the laborer. Most often, the interests of the masters and laborers are in conflict, which creates tension and dilemma in the relationship. The laborers desire to get as much from their produce as they can but their masters would only offer them a minimal amount than their asking price. Smith also noted that most masters merge to contain or maintain low wages since it will affect their share of the profit while laborers unite to raise the stakes. In the long-run, the laborer may be a necessity to his master as the master is to the laborer but the relationship is not that compulsory on the part of the master. This is due to the fact that laborers live by their work, which should be sufficient enough to maintain a decent living. Smith went on to express what he had observed from the lowest species of common laborers in Europe who have a difficulty in sustaining a large family. Most often, the wages of common laborers are not enough to feed their children of four. The amount that a laborer usually gets is sufficient enough for only one person. Herein lies the sentiments of the common laborers who do heavy menial work yet are not paid sufficiently for their dues. Smith goes on to compare the high wages in North America for the common laborers to those of European countries. According to him, England is a much wealthier country than North America but in relation to the wages it gives to laborers, the latter gains the upper hand. In Great Britain and most other European countries, it was said that wages were not expected to be doubled in less than five hundred years. Labor is so well rewarded in North America, China and India that families with numerous children are a source of opulence and prosperity to the parents since they contribute more income to the family. The demand for those who live by wages is said to increase in proportion to the increase of the funds. According to Smith, these funds are of two kinds. First is the concept of revenue, which is what is necessary for the maintenance of the business and second is the stock which is needed for the employment of the masters. Smith has asserted that if there is an increase in the revenue and stock of a business, then there is an increase in a nation’s wealth and this is what he has observed in the countries he mentioned in the text. Adam Smith had made good observations regarding his view of wages and labor in contemporary modern times and he had been able to clearly define what ails the relationship between laborers and it masters. Reference: Smith, A. (1994). Of the Wages of Labour. The Wealth of Nations. Modern Library. New York: Random House.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Who Killed Palomino Molero

The story is basically about the murder of a young boy who was either drafted or enlisted in the base and is named palomino molero. The first chapter begins with the description of the boy’s corpse hung on the old carob tree. The description brought me goosebumps because the death suffered by Palomino is a pitiable one and is beyond my imagination. The boy’s mouth and nose being slit and his testicles pulled out to his thighs are the extremes of inhumanity. In order to interpret this brutal killing , the author writes â€Å"it was one thing to imagine it (referring to the situation while the boy was describing the situation)and quite another to see it and smell it. † The first chapter gives a brief view on the character of officer Lituma who is the one to have witnessed the tortured corpse. This chapter also gives an idea about officer Lituma’s friends and the friendship they share. They have their own theme song and they are known as ‘the unstobbables’. Even at the bar with his friends he cannot quite get the unpleasant incident out of his mind. There is an element of concern within him and a strong determination to find those cruel murderers of Palomino molero. The second chapter introduces the boy’s mother Dona Asunta. It also describes her lifestyle and the place in which she lives in. Lust and superstition are two other elements found in the story. Lieutenant Silva has strong sexual desires for Dona Asunta inspite of the fact that she is married and has children. Superstition arises when the Dona asks Lituma if he had found the guitar that belonged to her son because the fortune tellers had told her that the day the guitar is found that would be the day the murderers would be revealed to them. This chapter also tells us that Palomino was a great singer and a harmless lad who would not even hurt a fly. This chapter also introduces a character named Moises nicknamed Dumbo because of his unusually long ears. It ends with Lituma questioning Dumbo, about his brutal death and trying to come up with reasons to his brutal killing. In my opinion the story is quite exciting and it keeps me wanting to know more.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Maus and Life is Beautiful

The Nazis came to power In January of 1933. They believed that Germans were racially superior and that the Jews were inferior threats to their community. The Holocaust is a tragic event and has been portrayed in many books and movies as that but there are two particular tales of the Holocaust that illustrate it differently.Mass is graphic novel writ ten by Art Spiegel and Life Is Beautiful is a comedy drama directed and Roberto Benign who o is also the mall character, Guide Orifice. Both of them depict the horrors of the Holocaust t wrought the eyes of resellers characters. Mass Is a story of the memories of Bladed Spangle. He Is a Polish Jew who survive d the Holocaust and is being interviewed by his son Art Spiegel who want to write a book about his father's experience.Life Is Beautiful is a 1997 academy award winning film t hat took place in sass's Italy. Guide Orifice is an Italian Jewish bookshop owner who uses his imagination to protect his son Joshua from the horrific reality of the Holocaust concentration camps. In the story Mass Bladed Is a dashing young man, Goodling, ambitious, Intelligent and resourceful. When the Germans Invade Poland conditions worsen for the Jews an Bladed Is forced to move from his role as a successful businessman to a resourceful skilled I borer in the concentration camps.While others suffer, he is a voice of hope. When Bladed air eves in Auschwitz he is constantly looking for opportunities to use his skills for better treats .NET for himself and for his wife, Ninja. He finds a way to be thrifty and save what he is given . Bladed is the one, for example, who convinces Ninja to keep living when she wants to kill herself when she find out that her son, Rolls, has died. â€Å"To die Is easy,† he says, â€Å"But you have to strung lee for life† (Book 1 Chap 5 22).

Selection Tool Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Selection Tool Evaluation - Essay Example The paper below discusses the relevance of interview as a form of selection tool in organizational personnel management with reference to Changing Mind’s article on a selection system that works. The discussion will focus on general information and application of the process, factors considered when undertaking it, psychometric properties, advantages, limitations and conclusion. General Information and Applicability Selection interview is a significant selection tool that assesses a candidate’s suitability for a post. It involves a personnel selector interacting with a candidate to determine whether he/she is interested in the stipulated post and is competent for the obligation (Changing Minds 5). An interview describes the job requirements to the candidates. Interviews set expectations on both parties involved in the process and allow discussion on any potential challenges that may arise. This enables the candidates to decide whether they want the obligation or not. Ac cording to the article, proper interviewing and conduction of reference checks save an organization the agony of dealing with future consequences related to poor personnel selection. The main objectives of an interview are assessment of candidate’s suitability, providing information on obligation requirement to the candidate and presenting the values of the company to the applicant. Factors Considered During An Interview Process Past Behavior. The candidate’s past behavior enables the interviewer to predict whether the candidate will contribute to the growth of an organization or not. Behavior assessment is significant in ensuring that the candidate measure up to the ethical standards of organization (Changing Minds 10). Past behavior is crucial in positions that require higher authority, for instance, managerial and supervisory positions. This is because behavior affects the decisions made. Some of questions that an interviewer can use to predict interviewee’s past behavior are; if I spoke to your previous boss, which are some of the areas he can recommend improvement? Tell me about your strengths? Describe an experience where you had to deal with a difficult customer or you found the cashier’s safe open with no one else in the office? Past Experience. Candidates with a wide experience on the job will deliver more efficiently compared to inexperienced ones. Hiring experienced candidates saves the organization the training costs as the hired candidates already possess the required skills. Information on past experience helps to signal the possible future performance. This helps the interviewer to decide on the suitability of the post. This measure is applicable in all job positions in most contemporary organizations (Changing Minds 10). Most contemporary organizations bank on the experience factor when selecting new staff. Interviewer’s Intuition. The opinion of the interviewer with reference to the first impression created b y the candidate may be used to predict the suitability of the interviewee in relation to job qualification. However, perception should not conclude the candidate’s suitability as the first impression may be deceiving. Accurate results on the candidate’s suitability are portrayed by a combination of the individual traits obtained during the full process (Changing Minds 2). Organizations that the interviewer’s perception to determine the right candidates may experience future challenges

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

How Disney Markets Nutrition to Children Research Paper

How Disney Markets Nutrition to Children - Research Paper Example Bob Chapek, the President appointed in September 2011, is responsible for the Disney Consumer Products (DCP) throughout the world. Furthermore, he oversees the Disney publishers and online shopping portals which is one of the largest of its kind in the world (Disney, 2012). In 2007, Jennifer Anopolsky, the Vice President of the company, announced that they are making changes in their nutritional products to remove added fats from the diets. Further, she said that it is their first move towards the commitment of a positive change in the long run (Disney, 2012). The paper will, thus, discuss the booming marketing strategies used by the company to promote their nutritional products among retail consumers. Discussion The first initiative Disney has taken is to include two experts: Dr. Keith Ayoob and Dr. Jim Hill. The former is the Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and the later is the Director of Human Nutrition Centre (Federal Trade Commission, 2007). They along with the compa ny’s experts introduced a dietary guideline that will provide health benefits to the people and children. The guideline included separate standards for main meals such as non-inclusion of snacks or dairy products, limited calories, sodium and sugar, and commitment to using zero grams added fat. Thus, the people around the world started feeling that the company is thinking about their health concerns such as obesity being one of the major problems. Furthermore, the company has implemented significant healthy options in their Disney Parks to attract children and families. Disney Parks and Resorts mostly consist of the Disney food products which are enjoyed by the families visiting those places. Therefore, the kid meals included standard ingredients that benefited the health of the children. Prior to the change, the default kids’ meal consisted of fries and soda compulsorily, whereas, at present, the compulsory inclusions will combine vegetables, fruits, juices and many m ore choices of healthier products (Bell & Winig, 2009). Snacks items by large are the most convenient consumable among the food items. However, it has been noticed that snacks have affected many people’s health who availed these items. The growing concern is that snacks items are available in each and every corner of a country due to its conveniences which are being consumed on a regular basis mostly by the office goers. Thus, Disney ensured that they include such varieties in their snacks portfolio which will be healthier and importantly will not increase obesity. Therefore, the company included large varieties of fruit carts and nutritious products such as nuts in their snacks. Furthermore, the company insisted on selling products directly to retailers. They created or designed products in their company but manufactured them through the licensing companies.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Culture shock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Culture shock - Essay Example Three types of cultural adjustments are noted in the world. First, there is the culture surprise. This is experienced by individuals who note the superficial differences between the two cultures. For example, it is easy to notice the dressing style and attires of the two cultures. Similarly, an individual will note the language signs and nonverbal communication. Apparently, an individual moving from Saudi Arabia to America will note such differences. For example, the dressing in Saudi Arabia is different from the dressing in America. Secondly, there is the culture stress. This is where an individual has to adapt to the new culture. This could be a daunting task especially when an individual is immensely connected to their culture. In many cases, a person will learn these activities for acceptable living (McInnes 14). For example, a person will learn to drive a car while using the stated regulations. A perfect example is that, most of the American vehicles are left-hand-drive. This co uld be a daunting task to people who are used to driving Right-hand-drive vehicles. Thirdly, there is the ultimate culture shock. This is a psychological reaction, which is normal. These are the reactions to the stress experienced by a person emanating from the change in values. For example, when in America, shaking hands is a normal occurrence. As such, people will often shake hands as a way of greeting. In addition to this, hugging a person shows affection and connection. Saudi Arabia is a country dominated by the Islamic religion. As a fact, a better percentage of the country’s population practices Islam. Therefore, most of the values and beliefs are inclined to Islam. Secondly, Saudi Arabia is dominated by a single ethnic group, which takes close to 90%, as most of the people communicate through the Arabic dialect. As a fact, there is an immense difference between the mode of communication in the urban places and rural areas. Thirdly, people in Saudi Arabia have a liking for large and extended families. This enhances continuity of the family. Consequentially, the extended and large families have an advantage. For example, when they are involved in family business, most of the family members will be employed. It is noted that people in Saudi Arabia have a soft spot for nepotism (McInnes 34). This implies that it is safe to employ people who are trusted and known rather than employing people from other ethnic and family backgrounds. Fourthly, during entertainment, it is noted that only people of the same sex are allowed in a single room. Similarly, the attendance should dress conservatively and remove their shoes before gaining access to the house. Fifthly, people always eat with their right hand. This is after declaration that the left hand is unclean. Lastly, Arabians are generous when it comes to food. Therefore, people will be served in abundance. Apparently, the guest should try to taste all the servings. On the other hand, the United States has diverse religions. Some of the religious affiliations include Christians. This has influenced the diversity of the cultural values and beliefs in the United States (McInnes 17). Therefore, migrating from Saudi Arabia to United States will be a culture shock to an individual. For example, the Muslims have a preferred mode of dressing for both females and males. However, in the United States, each individual has a discrepancy to the choice of dressing code. This could adversely affect a

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Environmental Problems and Role of International, European Community, Essay

Environmental Problems and Role of International, European Community, and Domestic Laws for Environment Protection - Essay Example The paper tells that today, it is an era of various environmental issues that have emerged in our society because of the technological advancement, man has made for ease and comfort. There are numerous environmental problems, which have become a part of our world today causing other hazardous situation for the people living in the society. Environmental laws have been proposed by the concerned authorities to address the problem in most efficient manner. Problems relate to environment are not only confined to local regions, but this problem has reached up to global level adding complexities in daily routine of people and imposing further health related issues at other side. Environmentalists and experts from all over the world have considered it an important issue that could create more problems for all living organisms. They have suggested various suitable methods and strategic tools to deal with the problems of environment without increasing risk factors for any other problem. Conce rned professionals have made environmental laws, comprise of crucial interlocking figures in the form of treaties, rules, conventions, and other statutes that organized and maintain a bond between people and the natural atmosphere, where they live. All environmental issues have resulted from human activities and inventions. At one side, there are several problems related to environment, but the core issue is termed as pollution, an undesirable and intolerable situation around living environment, which gives birth to various other problems in the society by polluting air, water, and land. 1. Apart, from pollution other environmental issues involve the challenges of saving plants, animals and countless natural resources along with specific areas of human life from hazardous influences of those conditions that are responsible for destroying and eroding living and non-living both components of the world2. Other than human activities, climate change in the form of global warming is anoth er major factor that contributes to cause many environmental changes in an inverse direction. But, the changes in earth`s climate is also a result of human inventions and use of technology, made to create fastest production of goods, communication and travelling. For instance, burning of fossil fuels, woods, and elimination of greenhouse gases from industries are influencing our environment dangerously3. The elimination of these toxic gases in the air is polluting our surroundings and making it difficult for every living organism to breathe in fresh air from the environment containing mixtures of many gases, which are dangerous for human`s skin, brain and heart4. Maintaining life of animals and plants and other precious creatures of the world is another vital concern of environmental problem. It is mainly because changes in earth`s temperature and polluting of air present in the atmosphere are not the only matters related to environmental issues, but the forests and marine life is a lso suffering equally5. Researchers have found that global warming is resulting in increasing sea level and its temperature as well, which cause death to many tiny marine animals and plants present on the upper surface of the sea level. In addition, man is consuming trees and plants to burn wood and manufacture required products along with the preparation of other goods as well such as, rubber, glue, medicines, food, and many more6. In this way, methods of deforestation are contributing to remove those natural sources that purify our environment by

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Audience essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Audience - Essay Example The total number of the audience is more than 600 which means that there is high level of diversity in the Bundestag. It contains men, women, people from different socioeconomic backgrounds as well as individuals who have varied religious or moralistic leanings. However, it is clear that their objective of being in the Bundestag is to bring improvements to society which means that whatever suggestion is given to them with regard to improving the situation of society is likely to be given a sympathetic ear. Aside from this similarity, they are also professionals who work as career politicians and are likely to have families, children, mobile phones as well as involvements in social organizations in their localities. Furthermore, it can be expected that they are well aware of international laws and even the laws of other countries in the EU concerning cell phone use while driving and the penalties associated with the crime. In fact, it becomes rather easy to see that the audience could be well aware of the issues surrounding the debate and might even be willing to follow the laws which have been enacted by nations in the region in similar situations. This makes the task of convincing them much easier since they can be shown data concerning how other countries have enacted the laws and what positive affects these laws have had on their motor safety. Further, they can be shown data from countries where mobile penetration is high yet there are no laws concerning the use of mobile phones while driving and how this affects the number of accidents on the roads. Moreover, they would also be pushed towards the point if they are told how a person’s situational awareness and ability to drive is affected while using a mobile phone. Most importantly, the argument presented to the audience has to be given a moral and ethical dimension since that can go a long way towards showing them that what they are doing will be good for society and it will have a